Digital Media- A bridge between Doctor and Patient

In this day and age, digital media tools like social media platforms, blogs, websites, and video consultation, plays an important role of bridge between people and service providers. These tools platforms can be used to enhance services and education. People generally rely on the information they find online and use the digital platform to gather that information and connect with the world. Earlier, the role of digital media was limited only to a few sectors, but now individuals are creating a globe via digital media, whereas businesses are growing at a rapid rate. Even the students were able to complete their studies and coaching via digital platform during the lockdown when COVID was at its peak.

How Digital Media connects doctor and patient? 

During the last few years, the relationship between doctor and patient has been in the limelight on the digital platform. This relationship cannot be explained in words, as its meaning is changing day by day. We, the people, have survived the COVID era, in which online doctor consultations played a significant role in treating the patients. That was the time when people were unable to visit the hospital for routine check-ups and were able to connect with their doctor through video consultation. At present, there are numerous online platforms through which doctors can connect with their patients. Among them, one of the emerging platforms is “beezap“.

What is beezap?

beezap is one of the most useful, manageable, and comprehensible platforms. This app is meant to improve systematic care and continuous communication between patients and healthcare providers. It helps users to search for doctors by specialty, availability, location, and other parameters. This app is for the mutual benefit of both doctors and patients. This app is a boon for the patients living in rural areas as they can now easily book their appointments with the doctors on a click. They can also be treated via video consultation.

Let me take you on a short tour of how beezap is beneficial for the doctor and the patient-

beezap is a popular mobile application in Uttarakhand and aims to create a network where patients can get instant treatment without waiting in a queue. They have successfully reached to the far-flung areas of Uttarakhand where people travel for miles to visit the doctors.

Benefits for Doctors:

  • Easier access to patient
  • Managing the records of the patients will become handy
  • Can provide consultation to more patients
  • Priority service by the technical professionals of beezap

Benefits of Patients:

  • Book an appointment with a click
  • Search doctors by reviews and location
  • Availability of only qualified doctors
  • Time and cost saving


Despite challenges, platforms such as digital media are transforming healthcare sector. It’s not just about service anymore; patients and doctors are creating a professional bond to solve their individual problems. In the future, we will see more health-related apps, more health blogs, and more web-based technologies. The uprising is here and it’s happening now – digital media is an extensive platform, it’s successful, it’s the future, and it’s changing the vision of managing our health care for the better.

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